Today’s Delicious Quote on the Secret of Change

Look Towards The Future Rather Than The Past

How is it that a simple text message, sent by a good friend and containing a wise quote can crack open a dark mood like when a cute dog sits on your feet?

Well, maybe it’s not quite as good as a the weight of a chubby black lab pup, but one of the things that I enjoy most about modern technology (i.e. the smart phone) is the choices it provides me to quickly resource and regulate my nervous system when life bonks me over the head unexpectedly.

This gem from the Greek philosopher Socrates dropped into my text inbox via a friend who knew I needed a little pick me up during the work day. The fact that I knew I was in her thoughts was what really provided the boost to my spirits (and neurochemical state), but the quote was a nice added touch. Like chocolate sprinkles on a creamy vanilla ice cream cone.

My work as a somatic psychotherapist involves the continuous discovery of new ways that each of my unique clients can resource in order to build resiliency, regulate their nervous systems, and awaken to possibilities.

As Socrates so wisely wrote, the key is to build on the new, rather than continue to fight with the past.

In what part of your life can you build on the new?



Passion. Peace. Purpose.

2 Responses to “Today’s Delicious Quote on the Secret of Change”

  1. Janice

    Every now and then we all need a thoughtful pick me up, so thank you for sharing this with your community. It does make a difference…and so do you:)


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